How To Be Less Judgmental in 5 Simple Steps

Two girls gossiping

Unfortunately, humans are programmed to make tiny judgments about others. We scrutinize their appearance, behavior, and other parts of their lives. But those moments of judgment are not healthy, and they can affect your outlook on life. You can take steps to be less judgmental in your daily life. Here are our five best ways to be less judgmental. 

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1 - Become More Self Aware

Do you ever have judgmental thoughts creep into your head? One way to stop being critical is to catch yourself in the act. You need to be more aware and practice some mindfulness in your life. Take a few days to observe your thoughts. You will want to look out for any negative, judgy thoughts that you may have about others. 

Watch out for phrases such as:

That person shouldn't do [that action].

This person is so [negative word].

If I were this person, I wouldn't do [action].

When you learn to recognize these thoughts, you can stop judging others and put a positive spin on your internal thoughts.

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Once you start to catch those judgmental thoughts, you can see what triggers that reaction. Remember that not all judgments are harmful; some can be positive. When we pass judgment on someone, we assume that that person will act in a specific way. Keep in mind that your judgment could be rooted in your insecurities. 
When you start to judge others, this is the perfect time to make some inner reflection about yourself. Take time to create a journal to record your thoughts. Believe it or not, you will more than likely notice a few patterns. With that information in hand, you can learn what causes you to be judgmental and find ways to control those thought patterns.

Hands touching

2 - Practice Empathy

If someone is doing something annoying or weird, it is normal to judge. It can be hard to put yourself in someone else's shoes. However, just because you don't understand that person's situation doesn't mean you can't show a bit of empathy

Think back at your life. You may have done something annoying and weird. And people probably judged you for those actions. You might have been having a bad day at work or experiencing a rough patch in a relationship. Everyone has challenging moments in their lives. Using context in a situation that you have experienced is part of empathy. With that, you can give those individuals the benefit of the doubt. 

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3 - Reframe Your Judgy Thoughts

Remember all of those judgmental thoughts? Now is the time to reframe them into empathic perspectives. You never want to be critical. For example, a judgmental thought might be:

Dan is so careless with his work.

You can reframe that to:

I wonder why Dan seems distracted lately? Maybe he's having some problems at home.

When you practice rewriting your thoughts, you can turn away from a critical standpoint and focus on a compassionate one.

4 - Be More Accepting

After you try to understand the other person, it is good practice to accept them for who they are - flaws and all. It can be difficult to change someone. Only they can take steps to change themselves. While you don't have to like them or be a friend, it is best never to let those judgmental thoughts enter your mind. 

One way to be more accepting is by expanding your social circle. You want to stay open-minded about people. Branching out from your comfort zones can help you to achieve that. 

Interact with people who have a different background than you. You can learn a new language, join a college course, or take up a new hobby. All of these activities will help you meet other people. When you understand different cultures, backgrounds, and beliefs, you will be less judgmental of those individuals. 

5 - Show Yourself Some Compassion

No one is perfect. It is normal to stumble on your way to becoming less judgmental. Forgive yourself and move on. You need to be compassionate towards others and yourself. Don't be hard on yourself. If you are feeling down, schedule some time to give yourself a self-care check-up.

Friends group hugging

Is It Bad to Be Judgmental?

Being judgmental is not an admirable quality. In some cases, it can harm your own mental health. Making unhelpful and unfair judgments about others can stand in the way of fixing your problems. Judging others can cause you to have low self-esteem, be overly critical, and make it difficult to feel gratitude. You need to feel good about yourself to achieve positive mental health. Plus, no one wants to be around someone who is negative all of the time. When you stop judging others, you will feel better about yourself. 

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Stop Judging Today!

Today, the world is full of judgy people. Just because other people judge others doesn't mean you have to follow suit. It is not easy to stop judging. It can be easy to be overly critical and quick to judge when we meet others. However, that can negatively affect your mental health and interpersonal relationships. 

By using some of these steps, you can stop being overly judgmental and focus on a more open-minded attitude. These tips will help you expand your horizons and work on those critical thinking skills. Plus, you could even learn more about yourself. See how the world looks without judging others. You might just notice that that positive mindset will change your relationships and life for the better.

Ready to make a positive spin on those global issues? At The Impactful, we bring together changemakers to support one another in your own social impact journeys.


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